California - Passenger Cars & LDT - 2


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New emissions standards were issued in November 2022 by California's Air Resources Board (CARB). These standards will apply to light duty and medium duty vehicles, defined according to the California regulations, from model year 2026. An updated ZEV (Zero Emissions Vehicle) Programme is also set to apply, from MY 2026.

Content overview

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General requirements of the MY 2026 and after standards

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Emissions standards for light duty vehicles - from MY 2026

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Fleet average emissions requirements

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FTP emissions requirements

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US06 emissions requirements

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SC03 emissions requirements

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HFET emissions requirements

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Emissions standards for medium duty vehicles - from MY 2026

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Fleet average emissions requirements

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FTP emissions requirements

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SFTP emissions requirements

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Additional requirements

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Evaporative emissions requirements

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Emissions limits

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Refuelling emissions

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Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) Programme

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Zero emissions vehicles requirements

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Small volume manufacturers

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Requirements for ZEVs and PHEVs

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Compliance and ZEV values

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Last update: 01/12/2023